Which is best for you?

Whether you book  virtual or in person training, our session will provide you with information, guidance, support, and resources; including a detailed training plan and follow up material sent via email. 

A large part of this process is me coaching you to work with your dog. I utilize my experience and knowledge in dog behaviour and training to empower you AND your dog with skills to navigate life together. We dive into the specifics of what you are experiencing, prioritize your goals and challenges, and come up with a plan that considers both the needs of you and your dog.

I can help you without seeing behaviours as they happen. I would never cause stress by putting a dog in a situation to provoke an undesirable behaviour or reaction. Virtual sessions have been a game changer for dogs who are anxious/fearful/or react to people. We are able to get into material faster, without the added stress of me being in your home.

Learning occurs more effectively in a low distraction environment. Skills or cues can be demonstrated virtually and I am able to observe as you practice with your dog. Training in your home before heading out into the world will help you progress together. I provide you with steps to manage and make improvement right away, as well as setting realistic goals long term. 

Clients have had success using a combination of formats. Many people start with a virtual session to cover the necessary information, answer questions, and problem solve. We can then book follow up sessions in person or virtually to develop and strengthen the skills you are building.